


​​Montville State School has many events that occur throughout the year.  Apart from camps, sports, music and curriculum events, our school has many great activities to offer to students and families. The following are a list of some of the major activities that the school participates in during the year.


Each year our year 6 student leaders run a ANZAC Day service for the community and school. This event is supported by the local RSL and a number of community groups.  Many students also attend the local Dawn Service.

80's Dance

Each year, Montville State School holds an 80's dance. All classes have a dance to demonstrate and then the students seek family members and friends to come and join in on the dance floor. There are lots of laughs and is one night not to be missed.  

Day for Daniel 

Montville State School is actively involved in supporting the Day for Daniel.  Each year, our student leaders attend the Day for Daniel walk.  Attending and supporting this event is one way our school educates students about their personal safety.

In support for the Day for Daniel all students are encouraged to wear red and make a gold coin donation to the foundation.

Easter Hat Parade

It’s quite a tradition here at Montville for the P-3 students make special ‘Easter Hats’ and parade around Montville giving some small eggs to the business owners.  The walk will take place on the last day of term 1 in the morning.  Students will be making their hats in class.  Parents are welcome to join in the parade.

Schools Tree Day

Each year, around 200 000 Australian school students participate in a special National Tree Day event designed just for children – Schools Tree Day. It is a wonderful opportunity for children to make a contribution to Australia’s natural environment and have lots of fun at the same time.

To celebrate this important day, Montville year 6 students and representatives from other year levels, join with volunteers from Montville Village Association’s, Russell Family Park restoration project, to assist them with their revegetation work. The volunteers are very excited that our students are able to participate in this project and would welcome help from parents. This event is being organised and sponsored by The Sunshine Coast Regional Council, the MVA and Barung Landcare.

Year 6 Day Out

As part of the Year 6 graduation celebrations, it is traditional for the Montville Year 6 students to have a Fun Day Out during the last week of the school year. The Year 6 students are very involved in the fundraising and organisation of this excursion and it has proved a valuable learning experience for the whole group in previous years.  

Other events include:Are U Ok?Art Gallery, Artslink Performances, AthleticsBall Games, Book Fair, Book Week Parade, Bunya Festival, Clean up Australia Day, Cross Country, Dance Lessons, Day for Daniel, Easter Hat Parade, Education Week, End of Year Concert, FanFare, Fathers Day Afternoon, Harmony Day, Instrumental Music, Maleny Show, Mothers Day Morning Tea, Music Recital, Naidoc, National Day Against Bullying, National Tree Planting Day, National Volunteers Week, Opti-Minds, Outdoor Classroom Day, OzTag, Prep Open Days, Prep Orientation Morning, School Disco, Science Week, Shave 4 a Cure/Crazy Hair Day, Small School Sport Carnivals, Soccer, SSC Jnr Eisteddfod, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, Support Staff Week, Surf Awareness, Swimming Lesson Program, Teacher Aide Week, Under 8's Day,  Voices on the Coast, Volley Ball, Volunteers Morning Tea, Whole School Camp, World Teachers Day, Year 6 Graduation, Year 6-7 Transition Days.

Last reviewed 26 February 2025
Last updated 26 February 2025