Montville State School - Differentiation Statement
At Montville State School we differentiate our curriculum to meet the learning needs of all students. We embrace students with an EQ verified disability, those whose needs fall under the wider definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and those whose needs may be variable requiring a flexible approach to curriculum delivery and assessment, including those students who require extension to the general class program.
Differentiation occurs at many different levels within every classroom, every day.
Class teachers plan for their student cohort, based on the Australian Curriculum (ACARA), and Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCARF) for the subjects not already outlined in ACARA. Curriculum into the Classroom (AC V9) units form the basis of much of their curriculum delivery and these units are adjusted to ensure maximum participation and achievement by every student.
Literacy Support
Literacy Support provides each class with additional Teacher or Teacher Aide on a regular basis. Classes each receives approximately 2 hours of additional support each week.
Reading groups and literacy rotations typically occur during these times and enable teachers to provided focused teaching to meet individual needs.
Class teachers regularly review their English data through their Class Dashboard within One School.
Numeracy Support
Mathematics is taught through the use of AC V9 mathematics units and appropriate differentiation. Class teachers regularly review their Mathematics data through their Class Dashboard within One School.
Individualised Support Provisions
Other Interventions provided to our students are required at times and discussed in our fortnightly Learning Support Meeting.